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Anne's IntermittentroPolis

I prefer to keep my reviews short but I can't guarantee them to be sweet. I don't mind discussing, analyzing, or raving but I'm just an inherently lazy writer/reviewer.

Currently reading

The Turn of the Screw
Henry James, Philip Horne, David Bromwich
Across a Star-Swept Sea
Diana Peterfreund
The Dream Thieves
Maggie Stiefvater

The Shawnees and the War for America: The Penguin Library of American Indian History series (Penguin's Library of American Indian History)

The Shawnees and the War for America: The Penguin Library of American Indian History series - Colin G. Calloway As a required reading material for my US Race Relations class, it wasn't bad as far as history books go. I've always been fascinated with the Georgian era although all the events take place in America. The whole history of the Shawnees is tragic and it's really sad that all of it is true.